The Perils of Not Following a Project Communication Plan [How to Ruin your Software Project Budget and Deadline – Part 1]

02 March 2019
As anyone with even the slightest bit of experience in software development, even simple websites, delays and cost overruns are incredibly common. A commonly cited statistic is that 85% of IT projects overrun their budget!While I would never claim that I can lay out a bullet-proof project management methodology in a series of blog post, […]
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How to Ensure Software Project Success [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 1]

01 March 2019
Perfected over the course of dozens of successful projects and tens of thousands of development hours, our process brings together all critical inputs to building great software products. We decided to create GreyLoud University in an effort to share our hard earned lessons with the rest of the startup community, and to help our other […]
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