Getting What You Want – The User Acceptance Phase: [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 7]

14 March 2019
Welcome back to the Greyloud University Course, where we pass on the benefit of our huge experience in successful software development. You’re nearly there now, with an application you can deploy and/or sell – even rent in an SAAS configuration – whatever your plan is. There’s just one final hurdle to get to the status […]
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Building a Real Version – The Main Development Phase: [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 6]

12 March 2019
Welcome back to the GreyLoud University Course on ‘How to Ensure Software Project Success’ where we will pass on all our successful project experience to help you achieve your software application vision. In this, the sixth article in the series, I will be covering the Main Development Phase. In the previous phase you reviewed the […]
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How to Get Stakeholder Buy-in – Building a Prototype: [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 4]

10 March 2019
Welcome back to the Greyloud University course on ‘How to Ensure Software Project Success’. This course gves you the benefit of GreyLoud's experience across many successful projects and thousands of hours of development effort. We will help you achieve your vision. In my previous articles about we have navigated the early stages of the software […]
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Defining What You Need – Firming Up the Specification [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 3]

08 March 2019
Welcome back to the GreyLoud University. This is the third in my series of articles on ‘How to Ensure Software Project Success'. By following our course you can gain the benefit of our experience across many projects and thousands of hours of development work. Here I am going to show you how you move forward […]
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Knowing What You Need – Gathering the Business Requirements [GreyLoud Guide to Software Project Management Part 2]

05 March 2019
Welcome back to the Greyloud University where we will help you refine your idea or vision for a software application. Hopefully, you’ve read the first in this series of Greyloud University papers (‘How to Ensure Software Project Success’) and you understand the context of a software development framework (‘SDLC’) and process; you know about the concept […]
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